Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Mile High Club comes to Prime Time Television

As the cold weather has reached us here in upstate New York and night is getting sooner everyday, I found myself wondering what new show would peak my interest during the cold nights of an Ithaca winter. Last year it was The Office. This year I am excited to see what the first season of Pan Am brings.

Ever since I viewed the movie Catch Me If You Can, I have been intrigued with the "Jet Age" of the 1960's. It was a world that is so foreign to me and I have found myself wondering what it would be like to be a part of it.

The show started as an idea from the producer Nancy Hult Ganis, who was a Pan Am stewardess during the Jet Age. She wanted to exploit this time period and turn into a show that would be watched by the masses.

This show has really peaked my interest personally because it has a similar motif that many of my favorite movies share. The world of the stewardess during this time was one filled with drugs, corruption, sex, and more.

In Goodfellas, this was a central motif because the way the drug sales were completed were through stewardess's and staff on the plane. This is the same idea in the movie Blow. This show has picked a topic that is interesting to many audience types. However if the show doesn't follow an interesting storyline, it could really tank and not make it through this first season. I hope for the best.


  1. I am so incredibly excited to watch this show! I'm hoping it's going to be as great as the previews are. I belive that this show is going to be successful - the audiences of Desperate Housewives are going to get drawn in and any lover of "Mad Men" who appreciates this era will also tune in - I know I will!

  2. As much as I hate that I am going to have to admit this...I used to be a HUGE fan of DH and I'm sure this show is going to be awesome.
