Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Favorite Place On Campus

This semester I'm working as talent coordinator for VIC radio, which is by far the best job I've had. (Even though we only get paid about 5 hours a week.) Some of my responsibilities include training and air-checking our talent, creating the permanent and weekly schedule, attending all of our exec and gen staff meetings, all while creating a welcoming presence to our new DJs.

Chris and I awkwardly Emceeing at Apple Fest.

The station manager and I updated our training program to be implemented this semester. I was really proud of our work, even if it was just adding a short orientation to the training, I believe it made the newbies feel a lot more confident and excited (instead of clueless and terrified) to join our station. A few other goals I have for the semester is to make short tutorial videos and a VIC handbook.

Rush Night. The doors were PACKED.

One thing I really love about the job is getting to know our new DJs. I didn't feel as welcomed my first few semesters on the station, and it was mostly because of the exec. staff at that time. Since then I've always wanted the position so I could make a difference to those newbies and all of our staff. 

Honestly it makes me so proud to see our DJs grow and really find their voice. Since I'll be going to LA this spring, it always makes me super sad in realizing this is my last semester with VIC. I've met some of my best friends here doing radio and we really are our own little family.  I've been involved since freshmen year by picking up shifts, volunteering at events, emceeing and working on my own DJ personality. Now that I'm on exec staff I want to leave VIC knowing I made a huge positive impact for future semesters of playing 'the best of what's next.'

Making our "hipster" rush night video.
*cough cough* If you ever want to listen in, my shift is Wednesday from 12-2pm as well as my specialty show, Under the Covers, Friday from 4-6pm. You can listen on, itunes and coming soon we'll have our own app! 

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